Emmaus Night
Each Wednesday during the fall and spring semesters, Winthrop Newman meets at the Oratory for Emmaus* Night. We begin at 6:30 PM and usually meet until 8 PM in Newman Hall Parlor. This is a wonderful way to get a "spiritual boost" in the middle of your week. We have free dinner starting at 6:30 and then the discussion starts roughly around 7pm.
Carpool is available at 6:15pm in front of Starbucks.
A variety of events and speakers are featured each semester.
They include:
Teaching Mass
Adoration and Confessions
Saint of the Week
Scavenger Hunt
Lectio Divina
Guided Meditation
Ask a Priest
Fun activities like Bowling, Game Night, Movie Night
Speakers including Dr. Peter Judge, Winthrop University Dept Chair Religion,
Sister Gay Rowzie, Sister Susan Schorsten, Kathy Schmugge, Julie McElmurry, Br. Johnni Do Bonfim Silva, Fr. Joseph Pearce, among others.
For any questions, comments, concerns, or topics to discuss
email Courtney Hull at winthropnewman@yahoo.com
*Emmaus is from Luke 24:13-35. Two men were walking to Emmaus from Jeruselum. The resurrected Jesus joined them yet the two men didn't know who he was. It was when Jesus performed the breaking of the bread (Eucharist) that they realized who He was. And as the catechism says, the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith.